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- Kent Dyrkov
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- #FodboldtrøjeFredag 2024
Attention - now it's almost the first Friday in March, and that means we have to bring out our favorite football shirt from the bottom of the cupboard, and be a part of the of the nationwide #fodboldtrøjeFredag / #footballshirtFriday ⚽ ⚽
Originally, it was specifically the football shirt, but so that more people (hopefully) will join, you can also wear your handball, table tennis, ice hockey, cricket shirt or whatever sport you like - as long as you remember the important thing about this event: namely donating to the Children's Cancer Foundation's important work - https://boernecancerfonden.dk/donate/ 💸 💸 Last year we managed to collect all 8,300 DKK, which must be said to be respectable when you take into account that it was our first time - this year we want higher, much higher. My hope is to reach DKK 13,000 - with YOUR help. 👈 Children and cancer are two words that should not appear in the same sentence - that is exactly why this event is worth supporting!
Later, a unique Satair MobilePay number will be created, so that all our donations are registered so we can see the final result.
On the day March 1st, the canteen will serve a 'stadium plate' hot cocoa and other goodies - and this year a Quiz will also be part of the event.
I very much hope that as many as possible will partly participate on the day, partly will have a pleasant experience and that the target of DKK 13,000 will be reached.
Keep an eye on your 'HUB email' and the 'Poster Wall' in Building 147 for further information.
Originally, it was specifically the football shirt, but so that more people (hopefully) will join, you can also wear your handball, table tennis, ice hockey, cricket shirt or whatever sport you like - as long as you remember the important thing about this event: namely donating to the Children's Cancer Foundation's important work - https://boernecancerfonden.dk/donate/ 💸 💸 Last year we managed to collect all 8,300 DKK, which must be said to be respectable when you take into account that it was our first time - this year we want higher, much higher. My hope is to reach DKK 13,000 - with YOUR help. 👈 Children and cancer are two words that should not appear in the same sentence - that is exactly why this event is worth supporting!
Later, a unique Satair MobilePay number will be created, so that all our donations are registered so we can see the final result.
On the day March 1st, the canteen will serve a 'stadium plate' hot cocoa and other goodies - and this year a Quiz will also be part of the event.
I very much hope that as many as possible will partly participate on the day, partly will have a pleasant experience and that the target of DKK 13,000 will be reached.
Keep an eye on your 'HUB email' and the 'Poster Wall' in Building 147 for further information.
Seneste aktivitet
Marie Visted Jakobsen BørnecancerfondenTusind TAK for opbakningen i forbindelse med #FodboldtrøjeFredag og TAK for at starte en indsamling til Børnecancerfonden.
Vores håb er, at vi en dag kommer så langt med forskningen, at vi kan indfri vores vision om, at ingen børn skal dø af kræft og alle børn skal overleve til et liv uden senfølger.
TAK for at være en del af styrken for børn med kræft og for at hjælpe os tættere på målet.
De bedste hilsner
Marie, Børnecancerfonden -
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Kent Dyrkov: Great - thanks a lot. Much appreciated
Kent Dyrkov
Great - thanks a lot. Much appreciatedAnonym gav 100 kr.
Kent Dyrkov: Great, thanks a lot - much appreciated
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Kent Dyrkov: Great, thanks a lot - much appreciated
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Kent Dyrkov: Great, thanks a lot - much appreciated
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Kent Dyrkov: Great, thanks a lot - much appreciated
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Kent Dyrkov: Great, thanks a lot - much appreciated
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Kent Dyrkov: Great, thanks a lot - much appreciated
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Kent Dyrkov: Great, thanks a lot - much appreciated
Anonym gav 100 kr.
Kent Dyrkov: Great, thanks a lot - much appreciated
Anonym gav 100 kr.
Kent Dyrkov: Great, thanks a lot - much appreciated
Anonym gav 150 kr.
Kent Dyrkov: Great, thanks a lot - much appreciated
Anonym gav 20 kr.
Kent Dyrkov: Great, thanks a lot - much appreciated
Anonym gav 50 kr.
Kent Dyrkov: Great, thanks a lot - much appreciated
Anonym gav 300 kr.
Kent Dyrkov: Great, thanks a lot - much appreciated
Anonym gav 300 kr.
Kent Dyrkov: Great, thanks a lot - much appreciated
Anonym gav 300 kr.
Kent Dyrkov: Great, thanks a lot - much appreciated
Anonym gav 50 kr.
Kent Dyrkov: Great, thanks a lot - much appreciated
Anonym gav 50 kr.
Kent Dyrkov: Great, thanks a lot - much appreciated
Anonym gav 200 kr.
Kent Dyrkov: Great, thanks a lot - much appreciated
Anonym gav 80 kr.
Kent Dyrkov: Thank you so much - much appreciated
Anonym gav 100 kr.
Kent Dyrkov: Thank you so much - much appreciated
Anonym gav 50 kr.
Kent Dyrkov: Thank you so much - much appreciated