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Trafigura Copenhagen
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Børnecancerfondens generelle arbejde

Copenhagen office runs for Børnecancerfonden

We’re excited to announce that the Trafigura office in Denmark is organising a staff fundraiser to support Børnecancerfonden, the Danish Childhood Cancer Foundation. This leading charity has a positive impact on the lives of children with cancer and their families. A total of 15 staff members will be participating in the DHL Relay Race in Copenhagen on 29 August 2024.

In Denmark, 400 new childhood cancer cases are diagnosed annually. Børnecancerfonden plays a critical role in several areas, including:

Supporting families
Psychosocial support
Funding research
Improving treatment and care
Awareness and advocacy

Your generosity will help Børnecancerfonden provide hope, better treatment, and a brighter future for children battling cancer.

The Trafigura Foundation will double the total amount raised.

Thank you very much for your support!

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74.574 kr.
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Trafigura Copenhagen gav 100 €

Seneste aktivitet

  • Marie Visted Jakobsen Børnecancerfonden
    Dear Trafigura Copenhagen,

    Thank you for initiating a fundraiser for the Danish Childhood Cancer Foundation. Our vision is for no child to die from cancer and for all children to survive with no long-term effects. Your support is invaluable in helping us move closer to this goal.

    Best regards
    Marie, Danish Childhood Cancer Foundation
  • Taras Savchenko Taras Savchenko gav 200 €

  • Anonym Anonym gav 500 kr.

  • arsenije dusanic arsenije dusanic gav £250

  • Celine Guerin Celine Guerin gav 40 €

  • Hadi Hallouche Hadi Hallouche gav £1.500

  • Anonym Anonym gav 10.000 kr.

  • Coline Quinty Coline Quinty gav 30 €

    Such a great initiative, and congrats to all the runners.

  • Patricia Perez Patricia Perez gav 100 €

    Thanks for the great company!

  • Konstantinos Mavrogiannis Konstantinos Mavrogiannis gav 100 €

    Thanks for the amazing event!

  • Trafigura Trafigura gav 1.500 kr.

  • Anonym Anonym gav 80 €

  • Mounia Regas Mounia Regas gav 30 €

    Patricia Perez Patricia Perez: Merci Mounia !!
  • Anonym Anonym gav 5.000 kr.

  • Anonym Anonym gav 500 kr.

  • Gavin Berni Gavin Berni gav 1.000 kr.

    Best of luck!

    Patricia Perez Patricia Perez: Thank you Gavin!
  • Anonym Anonym gav 500 kr.

  • Emil Sjørup Emil Sjørup gav 1.000 kr.

    Patricia Perez Patricia Perez: Great run Emil, thanks !!
  • Anonym Anonym gav 500 kr.

    You will rock guys!!!!

    Patricia Perez Patricia Perez: They did :)! Thanks a lot!
  • Gregor  Mueller Gregor Mueller gav 500 kr.

    Good luck!

    Patricia Perez Patricia Perez: Thanks Gregor !
  • Emilie Delannoy Emilie Delannoy gav 50 €

    Patricia Perez Patricia Perez: Merci Emilie !
  • Anonym Anonym gav 100 €

    Aller Arbish, tu donnes tout :)

    Patricia Perez Patricia Perez: il a tout donné :)! Merci!!!
  • Emma Stroud Emma Stroud gav 1.000 kr.

    Good luck guys!

    Patricia Perez Patricia Perez: Thank you very much Emma!
  • Pavlo Skorynskyi Pavlo Skorynskyi gav 1.000 kr.

    Patricia Perez Patricia Perez: Thanks Pavlo!