Created By:
Maria Tornslev
Collecting for:
#Fodboldtrøjefredag 2023

Maersk Project Logistics MPL

Employees at Maersk Project Logistics MPL will jump in a football shirt on FootballShirtFriday and have fun while supporting Children Cancer Foundation.

When we jump in our football shirts and become part of the community around #FootballShirtFriday, we are helping to support the Children Cancer Foundation, which supports children and families through perhaps the most difficult time in their lives. Football has a community that is far bigger and stronger than the game alone with the small round ball.

So, we will gather family, friends, colleagues, and teammates for #FootballShirtFriday on March 3rd,2023 and share our enthusiasm in the service of the good cause.
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12,570 kr.
0 Days left

Maria Tornslev donated 12,570 kr.

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    Kære medarbejdere i Mærsk Project Logistics,

    Tusind tak for at deltage i #Fodboldtrøjefredag. Det er flot, at I fik samlet så meget ind. Det er indsamlinger som jeres, der er med til at gøre en stor forskel for de 5-600 børn, der hvert år er i behandling for børnekræft.

    Vores håb er, at vi en dag kommer så langt med forskningen, at vi kan indfri vores vision om, at ingen børn skal dø af kræft.

    Tak for at være en del af styrken for børn med kræft og for at hjælpe os tættere på målet.
    Bedste hilsner
    Emilie Ida, Børnecancerfonden
  • MPL MPL donated 12,570 kr.