- Created By:
- Lasse Wulff Hansen
- Collecting for:
- General work of The Danish Childhood Cancer Foundation
Oceanwarrior.dk rowing for the Danish Childhood Cancer Foundation
Team Ocean Warrior is going on a very demanding trip with many risks and possibility of danger. Together they must row across the Pacific Ocean, which is a tremendous accomplishment.
But it does not measure up to what a child with cancer - and their loved ones – must go through during their cancer treatment that can last from months to years.
But there is hope! Research is the best hope we can give the children, as research is necessary to find the answers we do not yet know.
Team Ocean Warrior has chosen to collect money for the Danish Childhood Cancer Foundation, so that we can continue to secure research into childhood cancer.
By supporting the Danish Childhood Cancer Foundation, you can give children diagnosed with cancer hope, care, and improved prospects for their future. Although targeted research on childhood cancer has enhanced children's treatments, it remains the prominent medical cause of death among children over one year old. Additionally, half of all surviving children with cancer experience prolonged and adverse effects resulting from their intensive treatment, requiring them to overcome difficulties compared to other children throughout life.
But it does not measure up to what a child with cancer - and their loved ones – must go through during their cancer treatment that can last from months to years.
But there is hope! Research is the best hope we can give the children, as research is necessary to find the answers we do not yet know.
Team Ocean Warrior has chosen to collect money for the Danish Childhood Cancer Foundation, so that we can continue to secure research into childhood cancer.
By supporting the Danish Childhood Cancer Foundation, you can give children diagnosed with cancer hope, care, and improved prospects for their future. Although targeted research on childhood cancer has enhanced children's treatments, it remains the prominent medical cause of death among children over one year old. Additionally, half of all surviving children with cancer experience prolonged and adverse effects resulting from their intensive treatment, requiring them to overcome difficulties compared to other children throughout life.
Recent activity
Anonymous User donated 100 kr.
Nicolaj Taudorf Andersen donated 500 kr.
Har lige overført 500 kroner via MobilePay og vil gerne reservere to pladser. Har tidl overført 1000 og reserveret to pladser mere
Anonymous User donated 500 kr.
Anonymous User donated 20 kr.
Steen Alva-Jørgensen donated 1,000 kr.
Kære alle 4. Kæmpe til lykke med en helt særlig præstation. Tak for jeres initiativ og indsats. Nyd sommeren :-) B h Alva
Lasse Wulff Hansen: Tusind tak for din fornemme donation Alva,
Gode hilsner
Ocean Warrior
Klaus Raben-Lange donated 500 kr.
Lasse Wulff Hansen: Tusind tak for din fornemme donation Klaus,
Gode hilsner
Ocean Warrior
Marianne Brodersen donated 500 kr.
Tillykke med den fantastiske præstation - Fra familien Brodersen og Engmann
Lasse Wulff Hansen: Tusind tak for den flotte donation, Marianne og familie :)
Anne Nygaard donated 250 kr.
I er så seje!
Lasse Wulff Hansen: Mange tak, Anne :-)
Marian Ritz Andersen donated 250 kr.
Lasse Wulff Hansen: Tak for donationen, Marian! :-D
Pia og Thomas Sandengen donated 500 kr.
Lasse Wulff Hansen: Tusind tak, i to stjerner <3
Laura Faber donated 250 kr.
Lasse Wulff Hansen: Mange, mange tak, Laura :)
Vibeke Bak Solok donated 1,000 kr.
I er så seje!!! Kæmpe respekt!
Lasse Wulff Hansen: Wow, tusind tak for den flotte donation og det fine kompliment, Vibeke!
Bente Borg donated 250 kr.
Lasse Wulff Hansen: Mange tak, Bente :)
Mia Wellington Suenson donated 300 kr.
Lasse Wulff Hansen: Tusind tak, for donationen, Mia!
Vickie Roth Hamer donated 50 kr.
Lasse Wulff Hansen: Tusind tak for donationen, Vickie :-)
Sara Weihager donated 250 kr.
Lasse Wulff Hansen: Tak for donationen og støtten til børnene, Sara :-)
Tina Andersen donated 100 kr.
Kæmpe respekt for jeres dedikerede indsats - det har været spændende at følge jer!
Lasse Wulff Hansen: Tusind tak for det store kompliment og for donationen, Tina!
Frank Lynge donated 50 kr.
Lasse Wulff Hansen: Mange tak, Frank! :)
Rita Jacobsen donated 250 kr.
Lasse Wulff Hansen: Mange tak for den fine donation, Rita :)
Anonymous User donated 50 kr.
Lasse Wulff Hansen: Mange tak for donationen :)
Birgitte Christensen donated 250 kr.
Lasse Wulff Hansen: Mange tak for at støtte et godt formål, Birgitte!
Helle Schwarz donated 250 kr.
Lasse Wulff Hansen: Tusind tak, Helle :)
Anonymous User donated 200 kr.
Lasse Wulff Hansen: Mange tak for donationen!
Karsten Vittrup donated 2,120 kr.
Kom så drenge - vi følger med hjemmefra!! På vegne nogle kadetter fra PAM på HO: Lenau, Lasse, Bjørnlund, Stidsen, Bundgaard, Mulle, Hansen, Vinge, Villadsen, Ærenlund, “Jay Duck” og Vittrup 🚣🏼♀️
Lasse Wulff Hansen: Tusind tak, hvor er det pisse fedt! Stor og flot donation fra toppen af PAM ;-)
Mange tak endnu en gang for det stærke bidrag!